Failing Forward
She Who Kneels Before God Can Stand Before Anyone
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Troll’s are people to.

I am a member of a Christian Chat group. I have no idea if anyone knows what the term “Troll” is, but is basically someone who goes on to a Chat Room looking for Trouble. Lately I have noticed that this name is now being expanded to a more broader since. Know if you even mention a question in your faith, and you continue to ask questions, so called “Christians” think your lacking in faith and now judge you as a “Troll”.

Why is this? Why is it, when you have a question about your faith people take it as your weak? Or if you have a question about another religion people take it that your faith shopping?

Isn’t the fact your questioning support you have a faith?

Okay let me clarify that last question. Think back to when you were a child, and your in the classroom. Your in 5th grade and your learning about long division. Your teacher’s standing at her chalkboard, (or marker board depending how old you are) and she is explaining how the numbers on the board can be divided into a longer sense then you’re use to. You know how to divide but your learning a new way to divide and tackle the bigger problems. Everything sounds nice and sweet and easy when she is at the board explaining it to you. That is till she passes out that worksheet. You stare at the numbers blankly, your overwhelmed. You take a deep breath and start on the first set of numbers, 12 divided by 2, oh that’s easy, so you carefully write 6 above the divided bar. Your proud, but you scan your teachers chalkboard again, it doesn’t look the same. Oh no! You forgot what to do with the bottom half. You want to raise your hand. But what is Little smart Timmy going to think of you when your stuck on the first question?!

So what would you do? Would you raise your hand?  Do you allow fear to grasp you and hold you back?

Why do we question in the first place?

To find that answer you have to ask yourself, why do teacher’s always say “There is no such thing as a bad question?” Because they know that when your struggling and you have a question, that means your learning. The fact you have a question about something is evidence of growth and comprehension.

So back to the question, “Isn’t the fact your questioning support you have a faith?” It’s true. The fact your questioning is showing you want to grow, you want to learn. Something inside you is wanting to expand.

So next time a judgmental Christian calls you a troll just for asking some questions. Take it as a compliment.

Luke 2:46
After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.

1 Corinthians 2:10
but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.

1 John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test everything. Hold on to the good.

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Blogger Pammi said...
Well said!!

I have had fights all too often with certain chatters on their judgement towards random chatters (as in not the regulars).

Just because they have been there for how ever many years does not give them the right to call such people trolls and inform the rest of the room to "iggy" them! I have my own mind thank you very much and could you see Jesus himself ignoring anyone ?? I thought not :)

