(Story about my life at the moment)
Break ups are funny, emotional things. Your fine everything is cool you wake up one morning birds singing, sunshine and rainbows. Then in a spilt second GONE!
Numb, shock, depression, anger…. they all hit you at once! Seems like every heart beat comes another emotion, that is gut wrench pain that swells your heat, soul, and mind. You don’t want to cry but your body seems like it can’t contain this much power in your small flesh container.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book "On Death and Dying" explains that there are five steps of grief… They are as follows, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. This model is known as the Kübler-Ross model, (yes creative I know).
A person is suppose to go through all these stages to move on from the grief stage. But is it just mean, or does it feel like I go through all 5 stages with in 5 seconds, then it repeats.
Luckily my heartache was not a very big surprise. I just found out the man I loved, was actually a coward. One stage in this stage of grief is acceptance, but can one accept something that has no closure??
Thanks for my ramble, my chin will be up soon. This coward shall not steal my joy!